We infuse everything we do with our energy and I mean e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!
Thinking, breathing, eating, moving, feeling – it’s ALL energy.
So here’s a quickie question for you: are you consciously focusing your energy?
Are you giving away your energy to people, places and situations that cause you to feel unhappy, unloved, uncared for…
Essentially anything and anyone who takes your energy and gives you heartache (or a headache!) in return.
You’ve probably heard of ROI or Return on Investment which has to do with evaluating the profitability of any investment you make in your business.
But I invite you to consider a make-or-break element that most people totally ignore when it comes to growing a successful, spiritual business.
I call it ROE or Return on Energy 😃
In today’s mini audio training, I’m sharing how you can use the concept of ROE to experience more joy and alignment in your day-to-day and confidently move forward in your business.