
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” — Nikola Tesla


Welcome to Just Breathe… it’s my new love note from my heart to yours!

We’ll be exploring all things related to breathing, creativity, healing, writing, mindful awareness, authentic self-love and nurturing, meditative living plus fun, playful stories and practices to turn up your joy and be who you truly are… no apologies, no regrets!

In this first edition of Just Breathe, I’m diving into a principle and a truth that’s deeply important and it’s about consciously protecting and channeling our energy, (and it’s especially crucial that we know how to do this now, with everything that’s going on in the world).

You’ve probably heard of ROI or Return on Investment which is a business term that has to do with profitability but I’m going to go ahead and guess that you’ve probably never heard of ROE or Return on Energy 🙂

We infuse everything we do with our energy and I mean e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

Thinking, breathing, eating, moving, feeling…it’s all energy.

So here’s a quickie question for you… are you consciously focusing your energy?

Are you considering your Return on Energy or ROE when you decide where you’re going to direct your attention, your thoughts and your emotions?

Are you giving away your energy to people, places and situations that cause you to feel unhappy, unloved, uncared for… essentially anything and anyone who takes your energy and gives you heartache (or a headache!) in return?

There are so many moments in our day when we unconsciously give away our energy.

Think about it…

Do you really want to spend minutes — even seconds — thinking about that mean post you happened to read on Facebook?

Do you really want to give away your precious energy to people who seem intent on draining it…

People whose behaviors and actions trigger you and make you want to secretly (or openly!) cry or scream?

Here’s the thing..

If you want to be fully present and stand in your power, you need to be conscious of your ROE.

You need to focus your energy and attention on people, things and situations that give you a positive return on the energy that you invest.

This is about becoming discerning in your interactions and being watchful and protective — like a fiercely loving Mama Bear — of your own energy level and ROE, throughout your day.

Okay so I know this is easier said than done!

It’s hard NOT to get drawn into our own thoughts, worries, fears and anxiety. It’s hard to resist that non stop chatter we hear in our minds but the good news is, it CAN be done.

It begins with integrating mindful practices such as healing practices, meditation and breathwork into your day. Mindful practices let us turn the spotlight of our attention and energy back to ourselves. It gives us the power to be discerning, to get to know who we are and what we want and need.

It gives us room to understand what makes us happy and what brings us distress (if you haven’t yet, check out the beautifully simple yet powerful 1 Healing Breath practice. It takes just seconds to complete and it’s free :-))

You can also try this…

Set a timer so it goes off every hour or every couple of hours. Every time you hear it, stop, take a breath and ask yourself…

“How do I feel right now?”

You’ll be surprised at the secrets and hidden truths you’ll discover about yourself.

I’ve found a few things that I thought were no big deal (writing for a specific client or talking to some of the people from my past) actually triggered high levels of anxiety and sometimes even fear in my heart.

Other things that I never truly focus on actually brings me so much joy, strength and peace (like watching my kitty Charley eat his lunch!)

One thing I want to clarify…

Focusing on your ROE and protecting your energy isn’t about “ignoring” problems or actions that are hurtful, harmful or downright destructive. This isn’t about steadfastly insisting that everything’s hunky dory when it’s not.

This is about carefully, lovingly and consistently directing your energy toward the things that inspire you, motivate you, uplift you and reconnect you to yourself so when the time comes to take action and make a difference…

You have all of that beautiful, powerful energy available to be creative, to find and implement solutions, to be of service, to do the work you’re meant to do in the world…

And feel GOOD doing all of that with every breath you take 🙂

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