I was talking to a friend the other day when she said something that made me squirm.
“Your book has helped me so much. I love it!”
Before I could fully process her words, I heard myself saying, “Thank you but there are so many fantastic manifesting books out there. I guess mine is okay…, ” and my voice trailed off.
While it’s true that there are lots of great manifesting books, I found myself resisting the idea that mine is one of them 😬
So many of us deflect the good things – praise, love, abundance, wealth, support, beauty, luxury – that flow into our lives.
It’s a tough habit to break (I teach and coach around this but as you can tell from my story, I find myself doing it sometimes!)
It’s almost like we have an invisible force field that rejects abundance… even when we’re consciously trying to attract it.
So let’s take a look at those subtle (and sometimes surprising) ways we might be saying “no” to abundance without even realizing it:
🚩That awkward shuffle when someone compliments you or your work (followed by immediate deflection or self-deprecation)
🚩Telling yourself “I’ll be happy when…” instead of allowing yourself to feel happy right here, right now
🚩Filling every single moment with “productive” tasks because stillness feels weirdly uncomfortable
🚩Helping others but feeling bad about asking for help yourself (I’m definitely guilty of this one!)
🚩Telling yourself something is “too good to be true” (there HAS to be a catch!)
These little moments of resistance add up. They’re like tiny votes against our own abundance.
But here’s what’s fascinating: these abundance blocks aren’t actually about abundance at all. They’re about worthiness. About giving ourselves permission to receive. About trusting that we deserve good things simply because we exist.
So how do we start shifting this?
It starts with gentle self-awareness. Next time something good comes your way – whether it’s a compliment, an opportunity, or even just a gorgeous sunny day – try this:
- Observe your immediate reaction. Did you notice yourself tensing up, making excuses or changing the subject? Whatever it is observe yourself with kindness, patience and without judgment
- Express love and appreciation for this good that’s entered your life (no need for grand gestures – a simple,silent thank you from the heart is perfect)
- Embody your appreciation with 1 Healing Breath of Gratitude (3 counts in, 6 counts out)
It might feel uncomfortable at first and that’s totally fine. Discomfort is usually a sign that we’re expanding our capacity to receive 🩷
The Universe isn’t rationing out abundance. There’s no such thing as a limited supply of success, joy, or good fortune.
When you allow yourself to receive freely, you’re creating more abundance for everyone around you too 😍