The Manifesting Block I Never Saw Coming
I remember back in the day when I used to work out every single day at home and not simply because I was shy or self-conscious (though that was also true 😅).
I’d do these intense home workouts, perfecting my form, building my strength – just so I felt I was good enough to work out in front of anyone else. In other words…
I worked out at home so I could work out at the gym (it’s crazy but true!)
Here’s the lesson I learned the hard way: we often spend more energy managing other people’s potential perceptions than we do actually creating the reality we desire.
I was so focused on how I might look at the gym that I was essentially practicing being the version of myself who feels insecure about working out – yikes! 😬
In manifesting language, we call this misaligned energy.
When you’re constantly thinking about what you DON’T want (being judged, looking unfit, having a messy space), you’re actually creating more of exactly that energy. Your attention is like a powerful magnet and it draws precisely what you’re focusing on.
Here’s the truth: Your energy never lies.
If you’re obsessing about how you look at the gym (like I did), you’re actually broadcasting a signal of lack. You’re telling the Universe, “I’m not enough right now.” And the Universe is an excellent listener.
Imagine instead if your energy said: “I am becoming. I am progressing toward my vision. I am worthy exactly as I am right now.”
This isn’t toxic positivity or fake confidence. It’s about fully accepting your beauty, your power and your worth in the here and now. It’s about understanding that your worthiness isn’t something you earn – it’s something you already are.
Your manifesting power lies in knowing that you are already whole, already worthy right now, in this moment…
And in knowing that the Universe is always conspiring in your favor, even (and especially) in the messy, beautiful moments of becoming 💖