
I have an announcement to make and it’s about you

You’re an Empath.

There, I said it! 

I know that’s a pretty bold statement given that you and I have probably never met in person (we meet “in here” all the time but that’s not the same thing!)

So, how do I know you’re an Empath? Well, first thing’s first, you’re here reading this 🙂

You probably found me through my 1 Healing Breath practice and/or the Intuitive Spiritual Expression Archetype quiz and you were drawn to connecting with me and hearing from me.

Empaths are highly sensitive to energy and they’re guided by their intuition even when they’re unaware of it (plus I’m a highly sensitive Empath myself and as they say “like attracts like” :-)) BUT don’t take my word for it!  

Here’s a list of Empath traits so you can decide for yourself, if I’m right about you:

  • You need lots of alone time (more than you’d like to admit to friends and family!) and this is true whether you think of yourself as an introvert or an extrovert
  • You’re sensitive to loud noises and intense scents and tastes
  • You have a hard time setting healthy boundaries with friends, and family — even strangers — and you find it difficult to say no (hello, Good Girl/Good Guy!)
  • You’re “allergic” to conflict so you will — pretty much — do anything to avoid it. You go along to get along.
  • It’s impossible for you NOT to care about what’s going on in the world and recent events leave you feeling fearful, anxious, sad, dazed, or “checked out” most of the time and you find it hard to “spiral down” from these emotions.
  • You feel overwhelmed in crowded spaces or when you’re in large groups, for long periods… like at a big party.

Here’s the thing about Empaths…

We’re incredibly vulnerable to other people’s emotions and external energies and it can feel like we’re constantly trying to keep our heads above water in an angry, stormy sea that threatens to swallow us whole, at any moment!

This can be hard to deal with in the best of times but with everything we’re experiencing now — global health issues, political upheaval, social injustice and on and on —  it can feel impossible to get through the day without feeling like you’re losing your mind.

As an Empath I know how this feels, and I want to offer a simple, effective technique that can bring you back to center. It’s especially helpful when you’re experiencing strong emotions that leave you feeling drained and distressed.

You can work with this method throughout your day or whenever you feel intense emotions come up and it’s essentially about asking yourself this question when you’re feeling stressed and emotional:

Is this mine?

These 3 deceptively simple words contain a WORLD of transformational power.  

When you ask yourself “Is this mine?”, what you’re really doing is identifying and recognizing YOUR emotions and energy versus external emotions and energies that are flowing to you, from the collective or from someone else.

Asking, “Is this mine?” can instantly bring you back to center because it creates, what I like to call, an Intuitive Pause where you tune into yourself and connect with yourself on a deeper level…

And when you ask the question, you’ll find that 9 times out of 10, the answer to “Is this mine?” is a clear, unequivocal “No!”

The truth is so much of those intense emotions like anger, grief, sadness or fear are continuously leaking into your energy field without your conscious awareness or permission.

Simply asking the question and bringing awareness to the situation, allows you to begin releasing that which is NOT yours so you can feel calmer and safer in seconds.

I have a personal process for the 3-word question that I like to work with and here’s how it goes:

Step #1: 1 Healing Breath

Close your eyes and take 1 deep, Healing Breath (optional: you can choose to work with any image from the 1 Healing Breath series, if you want to)

Step #2: Awareness + Ask

Bring your awareness to your heart and ask “Is this mine?”… and that’s it!

This is a super easy process you can do anytime, anywhere and it can make a world of difference to your energy and your entire day.

Pro tip: You can physically write “Is This Mine?” on a piece of paper or notebook and answer, in writing.

The act of writing disengages stuck energy and allows energetic flow and movement to happen.

Asking and answering this question in writing can be extra helpful when you’re feeling particularly disconnected or if you’re feeling totally overwhelmed and immersed in what’s going on around you.

So, the next time you’re going about your day and you feel your mood shift, suddenly or if you feel intense anger and frustration or sadness come over you, I invite you to experiment with this 3-word Question and stay open to calling in instant, inner calm.


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