The Universe Isn’t Playing Cupid (and That’s a Good Thing!)
You know what happens every February? My inbox gets flooded with messages about “manifesting your perfect relationship by Valentine’s Day!” and “attract your soulmate in 14 days!” 🌹
And while I totally understand the desire (trust me, I do!), I want to share something that might feel like a warm hug for your heart right now:
The Universe doesn’t operate on Hallmark’s calendar.
A friend once shared her story with me about how she was convinced the Universe was sending her signs about a particular person.
The number 111 kept appearing when she thought of him. Their birthdays were exactly a year apart. They even had the same favorite book!
She was so focused on these “signs” that she ignored the red flags – like how he’d constantly reschedule their dates or how anxious she felt trying to be “perfect” for him.
She thought if she just maintained “high vibes,” and stayed positive, it would all work out.
(Spoiler alert: It didn’t. And thank goodness for that! She later met someone who was perfectly aligned with her authentic self, not her “manifesting checklist 💖)
When we put pressure on love to arrive by a specific deadline or try to force a specific person to be “the one,” we’re actually pushing away what’s truly meant for us.
We’re telling the Universe, “I don’t trust your timing or your plan.” Instead of racing against the Valentine’s Day clock, what if we:
🌸 Got curious about what we truly desire in a relationship
🌸 Used 1 Healing Breath to release the anxiety of “being single” (if you’re not sure what I’m talking about you can check out the 1 Healing Breath practice below or enjoy a free 11-Day 1 Healing Breath journey here)
🌸 Practiced Radical Receiving by being open to receive love in all its forms (from friends, family, community and even business connections) and enjoying our own company
The Universe isn’t keeping score of whether you have a date on February 14th 😉
Instead you’re being guided toward a love that is far more beautiful than a rushed romance could ever be 😍