The energy we put out into the world is reflected back to us.
This means if we radiate negative energy, we get negative energy in return and if we radiate positive energy, we get positive energy back. It’s the most straightforward equation ever:
Positive energy ⇔ Positive energy
Negative energy ⇔ Negative energy
I think of this as one of the unbreakable Laws of the Universe.
You can put it to the test with this simple experiment…
Go to your neighborhood grocery store or park and smile at everyone you meet.
Chances are most people will smile back at you and even if they don’t, your upbeat vibe will start to trigger a whole bunch of positive events that seem unrelated.
Someone you love might send you flowers later that afternoon or you’ll receive great news about a fantastic project or opportunity when you check your email the next day.
You can try experimenting with negative energy too (although I don’t recommend it!) Take a walk with a frown or an angry expression and notice what happens. You’ll be surprised how quickly things start to go downhill for you!
This Universal Law holds true for everyone and everything and it’s true at every level of your life and business…
It certainly applies when you write emails and social media posts and sales pages for your business.
But so much of what is known as “regular or mainstream” copywriting goes against this unbreakable Universal Law, and this leads to a whole bunch of nasty problems.
So let’s look at a popular copywriting “rule” that marketers talk about all the time – highlight your customers’ pain points when you write, which basically means you’re supposed to focus on their fears, doubts and problems in relation to your product, program or service
So, if you’re relationship coach, your customer’s pain point might be they’ll never meet the love of their life. If you’re a finance coach, your customer’s pain point might be they’ll end up penniless and homeless… you get the idea.
And that’s why you’ll might have noticed email subject lines or sales pages copy like this:
Make millions while you sleep (really?!)
I usually charge $1800 but right now, I’m called to offer this for $100 (huh?!)
Are you afraid you’ll end up alone? (yuck!)
“Pain point” writing is a big part of mainstream online marketing because it works.
The truth is you CAN get people to read your email or hit the buy button or whatever else you want them to do out of fear, scarcity and pain…
But there’s a catch…
It’s copy that works in the moment. Never in the long-term. Ever.
When you go looking for “pain points” you are in effect pouring the energy of pain and heartache into your words and your business and guess what?
Pain and heartache will be reflected right back at you.
In business, you can see this pain manifest as lots of refund requests, complaints, mean comments on social media etc.
So how can you attract loving, loyal followers and customers, and clients without effectively “forcing” them to feel or relieve their pain, their fears and their heartache?
How can honest, conscious entrepreneurs (aka people like you and me) sell with integrity?
A far more elegant – not to mention loving and energetically aligned approach – is to avoid using scare tactics/false scarcity to get people to buy and instead, focus on what people need to know to solve their problem.
For instance, instead of…
“This will change your life! Last Chance to get your hands on Name-Of-Program!”
You could say something like…
“This is deeply transformational work. Name-of-Program begins tomorrow and I’m not running it again ‘till next fall.”
Instead of…
“Afraid you’ll end up alone? What you MUST do if you’re serious about finding your soulmate!”
You could say something like…
“Looking for the love of your life? Here’s how you can open your heart and connect with your soulmate…”
As a writer and coach I never work from a pain point perspective because I don’t want to “scare” people into reaching for their credit cards.
I absolutely refuse to twist the knife on people’s pain points just so they’ll give me their money.
Spiritual, conscious work is about expansion and elevation not constriction and contraction. It’s not about inciting fear, triggering anxiety or creating doubt.
It’s not about relying on marketing tactics that amplifies someone’s fears to get them to buy or work with you. Healing work and conscious creative work is about lifting people up, not bringing them down and here’s the best part…
When you start writing in a way that inspires and motivates people to buy, you’ll find that they’ll fall in love with you and your work and that’s where you have people buying from you not just once or twice… but again and again and again.
That’s the REAL secret behind growing a loyal audience of followers, subscribers and happy paying customers today, tomorrow and for as long as your business is around.
Here’s something fun to try on your own…
Take an email subject line or headline on a blog post that feels icky to you and look at how you can turn that around. See how you can remove the “twist the knife” factor and add in the energies of motivation, incentive and enthusiasm instead (look at the examples in this post for inspiration).
Feel free to share your writing in the comments 🙂